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Challenging Hierarchical Knowledge Systems with Migrants and Displaced Artists, 2023, Elsa Cuissard, Isadora Canela, Thais Paiva Machado.
Paper for the Exploring Visual Cultures Conference " A Gender Matters", Pretoria, South Africa - 19 - 22. September 2023. 



Careri Francesco Steve Piccolo and Paul Hammond. 2002/2004. Walkscapes : Walking As an Aesthetic Practice. 1st ed. Barcelona Spain: GG.
Krenak Ailton. 2020. Ideas to postpone the end of the world. House of Anansi Press
Mbembe, A. 2015. Decolonizing Knowledge and the Question of the Archive. 

Mignolo Walter. 2011. The Darker Side of Western Modernity: Global Futures, Decolonial Options. Duke University Press.

Santos Boaventura de Sousa. 2007. Another Knowledge Is Possible : Beyond Northern Epistemologies. London: Verso.Santos Boaventura de Sousa. 2014. Epistemologies of the South: Justice against Epistemicide. 


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